Advent  |  Week 1

"The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord.
– Henri Nouwen

We are excited to start this Advent journey with you and your family! 
There is a reading and a song for each day.  

**For families or the young at heart, there will be a list of Advent activities to do at the 
bottom of this page!
Indescribable Gift (2 Cor. 9:15, John 3:16)
If we really acknowledge and believe that Jesus is who the Bible says He is (Creator, Healer, Commander of Heaven's Army, Counselor) we cannot help but  stand in awe and then fall to our knees in worship.  This Advent, we want to focus on the indescribable gift we have in Jesus. The King of Kings gave up Heaven and came to this broken world because He loves and cares about you.  That changes everything! Because we are so loved, we must let that love overflow onto the people around us. Today, let's pray for God to open our eyes and hearts to all of who Jesus is.   Ask God to help you be so filled with His love that you live and love differently, more like Jesus.  Ask Him to help you be bold to tell others of His love!

Song for today: Christmas Eve by Jordan St. Cyr
The Word (John 1:1-2)
In the Old Testament, we see the Word of the Lord is powerful! At creation, God spoke and the universe and all that is in it came to be!  When the prophets got a word from God, the whole course of the nations changed. People waited for years to hear the word of the Lord.  Then the Word became flesh and came to dwell among us.  The whole world changed when the Word came to the world. Now, we can change our hearts and lives by following the words of Jesus.  Today, pray that God will reveal His plan for you and your family through His Word.  Ask Him to give you words to give life to others.

Song for today: Beautiful Name by Hillsong
The Light (John 1:4-5, Isa. 9:2)
In the book of Isaiah it says “The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine.”  This was a prophecy about the Messiah who would come.  The nation of Israel was given hope in a very dark time that the Savior would come and light the way. We often see hope as something uncertain—a wish for better days ahead. But biblical hope is different. It’s not a wish; it’s a confident expectation rooted in the promises of God. And just as Isaiah promised light for those in darkness, Jesus declares in John 8:12: "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life." Are you or someone you love in a dark time and searching for light at the end of the tunnel?  Today, pray for God to remind you of all the ways he has fulfilled His promises and ask Him to shine a light on all the ways He has shown up in your life.  Ask Him to help you or someone you love to HOPE in HIM.

Song for today: Light of the World by Lauren Dangle
The Son (Luke 1:26-38, 1 John 4:14)
No parent is perfect.  We all do our best with what we have learned and have been taught.  However, God is perfect.  He is generous and kind, patient and understanding. He rebukes but lovingly encourages.  He keeps no record of wrongs. He runs to us when we turn to Him. His love never fails.  It is a giving love. This love gives His most precious treasure—his Son. Meditate on that this Advent. Jesus, the Son, came, sharing the very nature of His Father. He became the expression of the Father’s love for us: love incarnate, willing to lay down His very life for us.
As parents we love to give our children what they wish for, especially at Christmas. If we could afford it, we would give our children the world. God knew the world needed His Son to save them.  God gave us more than this world, He gave us  the hope of Heaven! Today, thank God for giving His Son to save us.  Thank Him for the beautiful family you have been adopted into!

Song for today: Noel by Lauren Dangle
Christ (John 20:31)
Have you ever thought about the word "Christ"?  Most of the time we use it like it was Jesus' last name.  However, Christ is a word that means "anointed one".  When we say Jesus is the Christ, we are proclaiming that we believe that Jesus is the one who was prophesied about in the Old Testament, the King who came from the line of David.  We are telling the world that this is the ONE who came to save us and make all things new.  He is the one who rules not only our world but also our hearts and lives.  Today, spend time thinking about the GREATNESS of the Christ.  He was hoped for, prayed for, prophesied about.  He came to Earth, lived, healed, taught, died and CAME BACK TO LIFE,  to reign forever in the line of David! Ask Him to reign in your heart over your thoughts, choices and words.

Song for today: O What a Glorious Night by Sidewalk Prophets
Advocate (1 John 2:1-2)
Recently we have become very familiar with the term child advocate.  During the adoption process, a child is assigned a lawyer who is supposed to look out for the best interest of the child and speak to the judge on their behalf.  As a child of God, we are given an Advocate who knows our every thought, desire and need.  He is someone who lived a life full of trials, pain and sadness and can empathize with our weakness (Heb. 4:15).  He goes to the Father on our behalf. He works all things together for good.  What a beautiful gift!  Today, thank Jesus for being our Advocate who understands us.  Thank Him for loving us enough to come to this broken world and to live and die for us.

Song for today: Canvas and the Clay by Pat Barrett
Redeemer (Isa. 44:24, Luke 1:68-75)
Redeeming something is to make it new and better.  Jesus not only made the sacrifice that paid the debt our sins incurred but He came to make us new.  He came into our lives and took the mistakes and flaws and is daily working in us to make us like Him.  Our hope is that one day, Heaven will come down and redeem this Earth!  The one who brings us salvation and redeems humanity will usher in the kingdom of God, for redemption is about God's reign and its establishment in our midst.  So, we no longer wait for the Messiah to be born but to come back and redeem all things.  Pray today that as God is redeeming you and your life, you can make this world a little more like Heaven for those around you.

Song for today: Redeemer by Anthem Lights

Family Advent Activities for Week 1 (Hope or Faith):

Activities for our week of HOPE (Choose as many or as few as you’d like):

•Make your Advent craft but only color the first candle this week! Light a candle and read your scriptures each day.

•(DAY 1) Create a chain with ALL 25 NAMES OF JESUS.  (See red and green papers) Cut and tape or glue. Take one off each day as you do your readings and get closer to Christmas. (See Advent packet)

•Make a graham cracker stable using frosting and candy.  Discuss how the birth of Jesus brought hope to the world.

•(RECOMMEND ON DAY 2-3)  **This is a 2-night project!! **Our kids love this one!**  (See QR code for video!)
One of the names of Jesus was the Word.  He was with God in the beginning at creation. His WORDS created all things! We can be creative like God.  Make a salt painting.  Add some kind words like, “Merry Christmas! Or “I love you!” and give it as a gift!

*Night one: Discuss the scripture of John 1:1-4.  Talk about Jesus’ creativity in creation. Name some of the things you like in creation.  Take Elmer’s Glue and trace the present and the tree.  Sprinkle salt on the glue (like glitter).  Let it dry overnight.
*Night two: Discuss How our words bring beauty and light to people’s lives.  Using watercolors or markers, add color to your salt pictures.  Give this to someone to bring them hope! Don’t forget to add your words of encouragement.