We are a volunteer-driven, staff-led, elder-protected church.
Elder-Protected: At the NCCOC, our elders oversee the congregation by setting goals and guardrails to protect the church while empowering the staff to implement the vision.
Staff-Led: Organizational and operational functions are delegated to the staff and directed by our ministers.
Volunteer-Driven: We depend heavily on volunteers and want to see everyone involved in some capacity in our church. We believe this is one of the best ways for you to get connected with others in the church family. Ready to connect? Sign up on our volunteer page!
Elder-Protected: At the NCCOC, our elders oversee the congregation by setting goals and guardrails to protect the church while empowering the staff to implement the vision.
Staff-Led: Organizational and operational functions are delegated to the staff and directed by our ministers.
Volunteer-Driven: We depend heavily on volunteers and want to see everyone involved in some capacity in our church. We believe this is one of the best ways for you to get connected with others in the church family. Ready to connect? Sign up on our volunteer page!