We are excited to start this Advent journey with you and your family! 
This year there is a reading and a song for each day.  

**For families or the young at heart, there will be a list of Advent activities to do at the bottom of this page!
The Lord (Luke 2:10-11, Romans 10:13)

Our world today can seem like it is spinning out of control. What a comfort it is to know that our God is still on the throne. He is our King Forever, the One who holds us all in His hands. Jesus defeated death and ascended to Heaven and now reigns eternally. We can trust Him to keep all things in order. Spend some time today giving your cares and worries to the One who can take care of them.  Trust Him to hold your today and tomorrow in His hands.

Song: Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy)
by Chris Tomlin

Song for today: O Holy Night
The Lamb of God (John 1:29-34)

For years, when I thought about this name, I thought of something sweet, soft, docile.  However, when we talk about the Lamb who takes away our sins, we are talking about Jesus who resolutely marched toward death so that we could have life.  That is anything but soft. Our Lamb of God was brave yet humble, fearless yet kind.  He was and is the true picture of gentleness, however, – controlled power.  When we behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, the fire of his Word burns away our unrealistic expectations, settles our debts, restores our joy, and unchains us from the insurmountable burden of sin. So, we worship the Lamb like the angels do in Revelation 5:12, declaring, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” We can also know that this powerful and gentle Lamb will continue to take care of us. “They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat.  For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." (Rev. 7:16-17 ESV)

Song: Holy Forever by Chris Tomlin
Good Shepherd (John 10:11)

Don't you just love the idea that Jesus is our GOOD Shepherd? The idea that we have someone so loving and kind guiding us, feeding us, and keeping us safe is so comforting.  The 23rd Psalm paints such a beautiful picture of how Jesus tends His sheep.  One of the lines in the 23rd Psalm says He anoints my head with oil - that line didn't make much sense to me.  As I researched that line, I found that in Biblical times shepherds would rub oil on the sheep's head and ears to form a layer of protection.  Sometimes sheep will butt heads to assert dominance, and the oil would make the blows slide off with less injury. It also protected them from biting insects that would annoy or injure the sheep.  The oil was also applied if there were wounds that needed help in healing. Think about your life today. Are you butting heads with someone in your circle?  Are there things that are annoying you and threaten injury to your heart or mind?  Is there a wound that just won't seem to heal?  Take those things to your Good Shepherd.  He can and will help!

Song: Still Waters by Leanna Crawford
Servant (Phil. 2:7)

After years of hearing the story of Jesus putting on flesh and coming to earth, we can forget the overwhelming enormity of what happened.  God's only Son, the one who sits at the right hand of God, gave all of that up to come and live on this earth, not as a king but as a poor and lowly man.  He did that so that we could have the chance to join Him in Heaven someday as His brothers and sisters.  What an amazing thought that we can know and be in relationship with the Son of God! Today, praise Jesus for all that He is - God, Savior, and friend.

Song: I Will Follow by Chris Tomlin
The Vine (John 15:5)

Throughout the Old Testament, the vine was used as a symbol of Israel, often to show how she was lacking in some way. God carefully tended His vine, protecting it from harsh elements and creating an environment for it to flourish, yet Israel rebelled. God could have judged her harshly, but He graciously provided another Vine.  As the True Vine, Jesus both fulfills Old Testament prophecy and makes possible our inclusion in God’s family. He sustains us, connecting us with the nourishment we need to bear fruit. He pulses our healing salve to bind our wounds when the Gardener prunes us to be more fruitful. He supports us when the weight we carry seems too much to bear.  Today, think of a way that Jesus provided nourishment to you, healed you or supported you.  Thank Him for that and share that testimony with someone in your life.  

Song: Abide by Aaron Williams
The Deliverer (Rom. 11:26, Ps. 91:1-14)

All throughout Scripture, God has sent deliverers to save His people.  Joseph, Moses, Esther and the judges were all a foreshadow of THE Deliverer who was to come, the One who would save His people not from invading armies or from famines but from sin and death.  Take courage, friend, because you have THE DELIVERER fighting for you.  Look in Scripture and share some of the accounts of God delivering His people in amazing ways with your family or a friend.  Today, thank God for all the ways He has delivered you in the past.  If there is any situation in which you need help, take that to Him.  

Song: God With Us by Hillsong
King of Kings (Rev. 17:14, Phil. 2:2-9)

Sometimes our world today can seem like it is spinning out of control. What a comfort it is to know that our God is still on the throne. He is our King Forever, the One who holds us all in His hands. Jesus defeated death and ascended to Heaven and now reigns eternally. We can trust Him to keep all things in order. Spend some time today giving your cares and worries to the One who can take care of them.  Trust Him to hold your today and tomorrow in His hands. Think of some ways you can affirm that Jesus is King in your life?  How are you living differently from others who’s king is themselves?

Song: King of Kings by Hillsong

Family Advent Activities for Week 2 (PEACE):

*Light a candle and read your scriptures each day.

Songs to listen to for our PEACE Week: Away in a Manger, Silent Night, Emmanuel by Bryan and Katie Torwalt, His Name Shall Be by Matt Redman, His Name is Wonderful by Chris Tomlin

Activities for our week of PEACE: (Choose as many or as few as you’d like):
•Light a candle and read your scriptures.  Color the candle on your Advent craft.
•Gather the Christmas cards your family have received and pray for peace for the families who sent them.
•Use the supplies in your packet and create the nativity Christmas ornaments.
•When it snows, the world is literally quieter or more peaceful. Make some snowflakes to remind you that Jesus brings peace.  Make Paper bag snowflakes (see QR code) or use templates to cut out fun snowflakes.
•Using the dove page, use markers or washable paint to color the dove.  Make a “pinky promise” to be a peacemaker in your home this season. Then dab your pinky in paint or use a marker to color it.  Fill the dove with beautifully colored pinky prints to remind you of your promise. Hang it in your house to remind your family to be peacemakers like Jesus.
•Play calm Christmas music.  As a family, discuss things, people and places that make you feel peaceful.  End with a prayer for peace in your home.