Digging Deeper
Chapter 12
Journal your answers to these questions as you read through the chapter this week. You may wish to read one day and journal the next, or spread the questions over the whole week. Bible readings that correspond with this week’s reading can be found at log.org/resources/ the-story
1. God used Nathan to confront David about his sin. Has anyone ever confronted you about a specific sin or habit in your life? Who has permission to be your “Nathan”? If no one, how could you change that?
2. Compare David’s confrontation with Nathan to Saul’s confrontation with Samuel (p.163 and p. 142). What does David seem to understand that Saul does not?
3. Psalm 32 (p.164) shows what David felt like when he kept his sin a secret. Do you have a secret sin? How does keeping it secret affect you? Use Psalm 32 as a prayer for guidance in bringing your sin before God.
4. After David’s baby died, he arose and worshiped (p. 165). What does this say about the nature of worship? Have there been times you haven’t felt like worshipping? What does David’s story teach you about those times?
5. King David grieved over his son Absalom’s death, even though Absalom had betrayed him. Why do you think he reacted this way? What does this say about David’s character?
6. David was excited to give his time, money and effort to building a temple he would not even live to see. Why do you think he felt this way? Is giving easy or hard for you? Why?
When I am tempted, make me aware of all the hurt my sin might cause. Please place in my life people who can speak the truth to me in love. Give me the humility and wisdom to hear such truth. Help me know that your forgiveness is total and complete. Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. Amen.