Digging Deeper
Chapter 11
Journal your answers to these questions as you read through the chapter this week. You may wish to read one day and journal the next, or spread the questions over the whole week. Bible readings that correspond with this week’s reading can be found at log.org/resources/ the-story
1. Contrast God’s view of David with man’s view of David. How would you say you are seen in the world’s eyes? How does God see you?
2. Who or what are the giants in your life that need to be faced with courage? How can God equip you to do this?
3. Think of a time when jealousy has somehow overtaken you. How can focusing on the Upper Story of God and his story of redeeming his people help conquer these feelings?
4. Review the exchange between David and Saul at En Gedi (p. 152-155). What does Saul’s response to David’s offer of grace teach you about God’s grace?
5. “The Lord does not look at the things human beings look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” What words or acts of encouragement can you offer today to others (to both family and strangers) based on God’s view of them?
6. When David wanted to build God a temple, God redirected him, just as God sometimes constrains our best intentions because He wants us to serve Him in other ways. How has God redirected you? Looking back, was this initially disappointing?
Help me to see myself and others not with the belittling eyes of this world, but only as You see me truly, as Your beloved, created just for what You intend. Give me courage like David to step with faith along the path You lead me, no matter how terrifying the challenge. Whether with fear or confidence, may I cry out, O God my fortress. Amen.