Digging Deeper

Journal your answers to these questions as you read through the chapter this week. You may wish to read one day and journal the next, or spread the questions over the whole week. Bible readings that correspond with this week’s reading can be found at log.org/resources/ the-story
1. Read about the disciples on the road to Emmaus (p. 384- 385). What part of that story stands out to you the most? How has Jesus’ presence appeared out of the blue to you?

2. Thomas is frequently referred to as “doubting Thomas”
(p. 386) because he refused to believe his fellow disciples’ testimonies. Then, a week after the resurrection, he confessed, “My Lord and my God!” Do you think Thomas’ reputation is justified, or do you think he has been labeled unjustly? Why or why not? How has doubt played a helpful role in your spiritual journey?

3. The night before He was crucified, Jesus taught Peter and the other disciples about abiding in him (John 15:1-5).
How does this teaching relate to the fishermen’s miraculous catch and Jesus’ call on Peter’s life (p. 386-387)? Reflecting on these events, how do you know that you can carry out the mission God has for your life? What is that mission?

4. What does Jesus’ Great Commission on the mountain in Galilee require of all his disciples (p. 388)? What are the various ways you can obey this command? What is involved in making disciples? What is a disciple anyway?

5. What parallels can you find between Peter’s denial story (John 18:17-27) and his restoration story (p. 387-388, John 21:15-23)? What does Peter’s restoration reveal about Jesus’ heart? How does that encourage your own ups and downs with Jesus?

6. Now consider how all the different people reacted to the news that Jesus was risen from the dead. When did the living Jesus become real to you? Do you have any treasured Easter worship traditions or memories?

Resurrected God,
Thank you for conquering death in your resurrection and providing an eternal relationship with you. Lord, help me to see the ways you are alive and active in my own life. Help me to see when you are present, just as you helped the disciples on the road to Emmaus. God, help me to be a witness to the ways you live in me through all that I do and say when I encounter others. Amen.