Digging Deeper
Chapter 9
1. Neither Ruth nor Naomi had any reason to welcome each other as family. Social acceptability said that Naomi had no business having a Moabite daughter in law, and Ruth had no business staying with Naomi. When have you been tempted to follow the socially acceptable rules rather than doing the right thing?
2. Boaz praised Ruth saying, “May the LORD repay you
for what you have done [for Naomi]. May you be richly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge” (p. 125). How did God answer Boaz’ prayer for Ruth? How does an “others- centered” life create blessings for the giver?
3. As you reflect on times of need in your life, when have you experienced divine providence and unexpected provision?
4. The theme of redemption is found throughout this story. Compare Boaz’ redemption of Ruth and Naomi to how Christ has redeemed you.
5. Faithful Boaz and Ruth were great-grandparents to King David; therefore, they were also in the line of the Messiah Jesus. Given Ruth wasn’t an Israelite but a despised Moabite, what does that tell us about the lineage of the promised Messiah?
6. Boaz risked his own reputation by showing compassion for a foreign woman. When have you put your reputation at stake to care for an outsider? When has someone else shown you kindness when you didn’t deserve it?
When I can’t always see how You are at work in the details of my struggles, give me patience, endurance and strength to trust You are always at work behind the scenes guiding my path. Give me faith to follow my convictions, to seek out the help of those who are gracious, and to extend that help to others. Amen.