We are always chasing something. Wanting more…but in our hurry to get what we want we often find ourselves running away from home - Veering off course as we chase after what we think will make us happy.
In the end we are...
Lost. We’ve all been there. And we’ll probably be there again
Jesus was pointing to that truth when he told the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11–32). You may have heard of this story. It's the story of a runaway who left home because he wanted everything, but ended up with nothing. Then there's the father - brokenhearted as he watches his son run from him - waiting for the chance to welcome his son back home. But the runaway isn't the only one who's lost.
The hard-hearted older brother, hard at work and close to home, but his heart isn't anywhere close to his father. Jesus tells us this story to show us that there's more than one way to be lost and running from God.
We’re all lost and wandering in some way. We all need to come home. The good news is that our journey home is filled with more joy and celebration than we could ever imagine!
So, Wherever you’re wandering, are you ready to come home? Are you ready to be PRODIGAL?