Indescribable Gift (2 Cor. 9:15, John 3:16)
If we really acknowledge and believe that Jesus is who the Bible says He is (Creator, Healer, Commander of Heaven's Army, Counselor) we cannot help but stand in awe and then fall to our knees in worship. This Advent, we want to focus on the indescribable gift we have in Jesus. The King of Kings gave up Heaven and came to this broken world because He loves and cares about you. That changes everything! Because we are so loved, we must let that love overflow onto the people around us. Today, let's pray for God to open our eyes and hearts to all of who Jesus is. Ask God to help you be so filled with His love that you live and love differently, more like Jesus. Ask Him to help you be bold to tell others of His love!
Song for today: Christmas Eve by Jordan St. Cyr
Song for today: Christmas Eve by Jordan St. Cyr
Posted in Advent 2024
Indescribable Gift (2 Cor. 9:15, John 3:16)The Word (John 1:1-2)The Light (John 1:4-5, Isa. 9:2)The Son (Luke 1:26-38, 1 John 4:14)Christ (John 20:31)Advocate (1 John 2:1-2)Redeemer (Isa. 44:24, Luke 1:68-75)The Lord (Luke 2:10-11, Romans 10:13)Good Shepherd (John 10:11)The Lamb of God (John 1:29-34)Good Shepherd (John 10:11)Servant (Phil. 2:7)The Vine (John 15:5)The Deliverer (Rom. 11:26, Ps. 91:1-14)King of Kings (Rev. 17:14, Phil. 2:2-9)
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